Traffic sources can be hard to track, due to privacy settings, lack of standardization, and even local laws. As a result, some of the values you see may be unclear. We've figured out what many of the most common terms mean and listed them below. Let us know if you have any more!
google / cpc - cpc stands for Cost Per Click, so these are Google Ads. Traffic from BookBaby Display Ads can appear under here. / referral - This is another heading you might see traffic from BookBaby Display Ads under - it ultimately depends on where the ad is actually appearing. For some, you'll even see site's direct link listed.
google / organic - Organic indicates it's a natural search on Google unrelated to ads. Someone searched for your book or your name, and clicked to your Bookshop page from there. / referral / referral / referral - These three all represent different segments of mobile traffic from Facebook. / referral - This is traffic from Twitter. Twitter directs external traffic through the domain in order to protect their users from harmful activity. / referral - These are ads appearing on Amazon, or with one of the wider networks that feeds ads to Amazon, including Linkedin
BBeNews / email - This is the BookBaby Newsletter - we mentioned your book and folks clicked on the link!
BSHOP / Email - This is one of our Bookshop emails! New Release emails, bestsellers, and other custom emails we send out would be listed here.
Reads / email - This represents clicks from our BookBaby Reads emails. Did you do an interview with someone on our staff? The email that was mentioned in got you some traffic! / referral - This is one of our business servers, so likely someone on staff checking our your book.