- Open file in Adobe Acrobat
- Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat / Adobe Acrobat Reader > Preferences (Mac OS).
- Go to Page Display
- Check the box that says Show Art, Trim, & Bleed Boxes: Displays any art, trim, or bleed boxes defined for a document.
For your interior manuscript proof, the end result will look something like this:
Here is an example of the art boxes activated on a page where the element position will cause print issues, as some of the text is going past the safety margins:
Here is an example of a cover proof. This cover design proof below, with the guides turn on, indicates the bleed area and where the trim will occur (green line):
Here is the final cover design as it will appear once it’s been printed and the bleed area has been trimmed off. Note how some elements, like the edge of the letter D in the title, and the tip of the bat are closer to the edge of the final book than the proof with bleed shows:
These art boxes will show up on all BookBaby design-issued PDFs and supplied PDFs that have been released into your Project Center for proofing, such as Cover Templating.