Your eBook cover file must follow the below requirements. Dynamic eBooks and Fixed Layout eBooks have different requirements.
Dynamic eBook Cover Requirements
- Only JPG and PNG images are supported.
The image width must be at least 1400px, but less than 3000px.
We recommend a height/width ratio of 1.5 (e.g. 1400px wide by 2100px tall).
Portrait (or vertical rectangle-shaped) artwork – no squares.
Your image should use RGB color (not CMYK).
Your image should be at least 72 dpi, but we recommend 300dpi.
Fixed Layout eBook Cover Requirements
- Only JPG and PNG images are supported.
- The image height must be at least 1500px, but less than 3000px.
- Artwork shape should match the shape of the manuscript (i.e. landscape for landscape books, square for square books)
- Your image should use RGB color (not CMYK).
- Your image should be at least 72 dpi, but we recommend 300dpi.
Note: eBook covers should be saved as a separate file from your manuscript. Your eBook cover can be set up in any graphics program (indesign or photoshop, for example). MS word is not a graphics program and will not produce a high quality image for your book cover.