All authors who sign up for BookBaby eBook publishing receive a formatting proof of their eBook as part of our service. The ePub file we send out after conversion is for formatting purposes. It is NOT meant as an editing or galley proof. You can use it to put on your eReader to preview how your book will look in a digital format.
We strongly encourage authors to proofread their manuscript carefully before uploading the file. If you find typos or other editorial issues, we’ll need to charge you a $50 base charge + $2.00 per editorial change/typo, per round of proofs. For example: if you have 10 typos to correct, the editorial/typo change fee will be $70. Design changes can incur a fee as well. For more information on our correction fees, please click here.
If you need to submit a new file, there is a $100 file re-submission fee that will be added to your order for dynamic eBooks. The re-submission fee for fixed layout eBooks is $499. Editorial changes can add 5-6 days to the process.
When we create a proof for you, we are converting your source document (such as a .doc, .pdf, etc.) into a standard ePub file that can be displayed on most eReaders. Before this conversion process, our conversion specialists will look for any obvious formatting or font-size issues that could cause your document to convert incorrectly or display incorrectly after conversion. We will work with you to get these issues fixed prior to conversion (additional fees may apply).
Once the conversion is complete, you will be able to view a proof of your dynamic eBook proof in the ePub format using either apple books or the Kindle Previewer 3. If there are any content or display issues, they can be corrected at that time. Any reconversions or corrections for editing/typo purposes may incur additional fees. If there are any errors that we introduced, we will happily make those corrections at no cost to you.
If it all looks good, you will approve your proofs, at which point, we can begin distributing your eBook to our digital retail partners.
Fixed Layout eBook Proofs: Fixed layout proofs should be viewed on an iPad or Apple computer using Apple Books for the ePub and/or using the Kindle Previewer 3 for the KPF file. Please note that each round of formatting changes to fixed layout book files will take 7-10 days to complete.