If you are supplying us production-ready files for your order, you will go through proofing as part of the initial ordering process. If BookBaby is preparing or modifying your book layout, you will be provided proofs after your order is placed. In these cases, you can either approve or reject your proofs by logging into Quotes and Projects and clicking the blue View/Approve Proofs button to the right of the project in question.
When selecting the "reject proof" option, you are then provided with a blank section for any comments or requested changes. If you are happy with your proof(s) but still have questions or comments, you should not approve your proof(s), but rather reject them, and give your comments as described above. If you are happy with your proof(s) in their entirety and require no further changes, you can select "approve proofs".
Click resubmit and the order will be updated with your information.
*Note - Editorial changes requested at this point in the production process may incur additional costs and time in production. Please be sure to make all of your edits prior to submitting your order