Yes, but there is a fee to do the work.
There is a $50 base charge + $2 per editorial change/typo, per round of proofs. For example: if you have 10 typos to correct, the editorial/typo change fee will be $70. Design changes can incur a fee as well. For more information on our correction fees, please click here.*
If you need to submit a new file for eBook, there is $100 file reconversion fee for dynamic layout eBooks.
If you need to submit a new file for fixed layout eBook, there is a $499 reconversion fee.
If you need to submit a new file for formatting, you will be subject to the full formatting fee again. Any errors that BookBaby has introduced into the conversion process will be corrected at no charge. Corrections to your file will add between 4 to 6 business days to your project.
*When submitting corrections, please be sure to supply us with an itemized list, including text references instead of page numbers.
Example of how to submit corrections:
Chapter 3:
Original text: The quick brown fax jumps over the lazy dog
Change to: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog