Material you did not create: If you did not create EVERYTHING in your book, the chances are you should not be publishing it. Items that may otherwise fall into public domain, fair use, creative commons, or editorial purposes fall outside of our distribution partners' guidelines. Political cartoons (that someone else drew), corporate logos, photos of celebrities, your favorite cartoon characters, lyrics from your favorite song, these are all going to cause you problems. If you are using something you did not create, you are required to have legal documentation showing your agreement with the content creator/copyright holder.
Personal copies: This covers things you may have been given permission by the copyright holder to print a personal copy of, but fall outside of our guidelines. Examples include: your favorite table top game rule book, fan fiction from the internet, your vehicles owner’s manual, an out of print book. If you are the creator of a game, piece of machinery, or the author of your own out of print novel, sure, we are happy to help. If it is fan fiction, you would have to modify all characters and settings from fictional places to set the book in your own fictional universe.
Nudity/Sexual content: Pornography is not permitted. Anything containing nudity is subject to approval, but don’t be surprised if we let you know we can’t proceed with the book. If your written book contains scenes of non consensual sex of any kind, we are unable to distribute it, regardless of context. BookBaby is subject to our retail partners' guidelines for distribution. Please keep in mind that if we printed something for you before, we may not be able to handle distribution for that same content.
See also: BookBaby's Official Content Policy