These instructions assume you are working on a computer.
If setting up your distribution order for the first time:
You will first need to take the first step by creating and saving a quote with the Print on Demand options. From there, you will be able to determine a retail price your printed book in the Royalty Calculator.
Step 1 Log into MyAccount
Step 2 Find your quote which includes "print on demand" and click on the "Continue Project" button to the right.
Step 3 You are now in the Publishing Project Center. You will see the "Cover and Manuscript" section (where you will eventually upload your flies and/or complete the design questionnaire) on the left and the "Distribution Information" section on the right.
Click on "Get Started" or "Resume" under the "Distribution Information" section.
Step 4 The first page of the distribution information section is the royalty calculator. Feel free to put in a book price and click Calculate Royalty. (BookBaby will never let you sell your book for less than $1.00 in royalties).
For books already in distribution:
Step 1 Log into MyAccount
Step 2 Click on the Manage/Reorder My Books link on the left, under My Account.
Step 3 Find the title to which you would like to check your royalty. Click on View/Update Metadata to the right.
Step 4 Scroll to the bottom, to the Print On Demand (POD) section. Click on the Edit button.
Step 5 You are now on the page showing the current retail price. To determine your royalty, enter in a new price, and click Calculate Royalty. (BookBaby will never let you sell your book for less than $1.00 in royalties). If you do not want the new price to take effect, do not click continue. If you do want the price to update, click continue, and then Save and Continue on the next page. If you make a mistake, that's OK! You can restart the process by starting at Step 1.