Yes, we now offer three different audiobook creation services.
Author-narrated audiobooks
$500 base and $0.14 per word
Ready in 10-12 weeks
Record your audiobook with the professional guidance and support of our expert audiobook producers.
This service is designed specifically for authors who wish to lend their own voice to their literary masterpieces. We provide a state-of-the-art recording process right from the comfort of your home or office, expert engineering, and experienced producers to ensure your narration meets the highest quality standards.
From coaching sessions to technical assistance, we're with you every step of the way, helping you capture the essence of your work and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Stand out in the crowded audiobook market by delivering an authentic and compelling performance that only you can provide.
How it works:
- Contact our team to discuss your needs
- We’ll schedule a consultation meeting with your dedicated audiobook producer
- We’ll mail you a gear box with all of the recording equipment you'll need
- Each recording session runs about 90-120 minutes
- Our producers will master your final files and send for your review
Voice actor-narrated audiobooks
$500 base and $0.16 per word
Ready in 8-10 weeks
Would you like your audiobook to be narrated by a voice other than your own? Leave it to the experts and submit a section of your book for a casting call and let numerous professional narrators audition for your project. Our voice actors are seasoned professionals who will deliver a rewarding listening experience for your readers.
How it works:
- Contact our team to discuss your needs
- Submit a section of your book for the casting call
- Review audio samples from numerous professional narrators
- Select your narrator, who will then record your audiobook
- Our producers will master your final files and send for your review
AI-assisted, author-narrated audiobooks
$2,000 base and $0.06 per word
Ready in 2-3 weeks
With the help of AI, authors can enjoy all the benefits of an author-narrated audiobook without the time-consuming work on their end. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the realistic sound of AI-assisted author narration.
This option is ideal for those who are looking to efficiently create an audiobook, as it saves the author time and work. Rather than multiple recording sessions over the course of several days, the author gets all of their part done in a single 90-minute session.
How it works:
- Contact our team
- We'll send you a gear box with all of the equipment you need
- Read a script during a 90-minute recording session
- Our engineers will clone your voice and use AI to record the book in your voice
- Our producers will master your final files and send for your review
Already have your own audiobook that you'd like to sell?
Authors can upload their existing audiobooks and sell them through BookBaby Bookshop: the world's most author-friendly bookstore. Here, you'll earn 75% royalties on each audiobook sale (you won't make this anywhere else). Learn more