Cover Image:
Filetype: Only JPG and PNG images are supported.
Color Mode: Your image should use RGB color (not CMYK).
Resolution: Your image should be at least 72 dpi, but we recommend 300 dpi.
- The image width must be at least 1400px, but less than 4000px.
- The image height must be at least 1500px, but less than 4000px.
- Dynamic eBooks: Portrait (or vertical rectangle-shaped) artwork – no squares. We recommend a height/width ratio of 1.5 (e.g. 1400px wide by 2100px tall).
- Fixed Layout eBooks: Artwork shape should match the shape of the manuscript (i.e. landscape for landscape books, square for square books)
Other Images (applies only to Dynamic eBooks):
Full-page images: At least 1400px wide, portrait or vertical rectangle-shaped artwork (no squares) and
we recommend a height/width ratio of 1.5 (1400px wide x 2100px high)
Logos or simple images: 75-100 pixels high and these can be square. Don’t worry too much about the
exact size of images within your document. The best approach is to scale your images how you want
them to appear in relation to the text in your manuscript.
All images must be in .jpg, minimum 150 dpi resolution, and in RGB color mode. Any image that you submit should not exceed 4 million pixels.
Note: Any image editing done within your formatting program (e.g. Word or InDesign) will be discarded during conversion. Do all image resizing outside of the document, utilize programs like Photoshop or another image editing software, then reinsert them before saving.