Once you’ve purchased book editing services and your files have been edited by our professionals, you will have the ability to review your files. We will supply you with two Microsoft Word (.doc) files. One will be a marked-up version and the other will be a finalized version containing all of your marked-up edits saved.
Log into your BookBaby Account
The file names will appear like:
Marked up – SOXXXXXX_markedup.doc
Final – SOXXXXXX_manuscript.doc
To download and view the files, please follow these steps:
- Login to your BookBaby Account
- Click on Open Projects under the Projects tool
- Click on the blue Download Edits button listed on the order
- Press the blue Download button next to desired version of the file
- If a popup message appears asking you to save or open the file, click on Save File
- Save file in desired location or on the desktop of your computer
- Double click on file in location you saved it to open the file
When viewing the marked-up file, you will see the track changes, which will show you all of the edits made. The final version will contain all the changes made and may feature editor notes about why they did what they did through track changes.
If you wish to hide the editor’s notes or hide the edits made in the marked-up version, please refer to the Microsoft Support pages here: