When you submit editorial corrections to us for your design/formatting order, we need just three things - the book page number, the complete sentence or section of text (paragraph, page, etc.) as it currently reads, and the complete sentence or section of text as you want it to read.
Since we need to be able to use a text reference to find the text in question, and because we'll be copying your correction text and pasting it into the existing file rather than doing any manual typing, too little (or too much) information makes it more difficult for the designer to both find the original text and implement the correction without the accidental introduction of errors.
For example, each correction should look something like this:
Page 5: The quik bron fox jump over lazy dog!
should read: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
These instructions are included in the Design Proof Reference Guide, which we e-mailed to you shortly before your first set of proofs were issued. You can also find a link to the Design Proof Reference Guide below:
*Note: Supplying your rejection information in any other way will cause significant delays in completing your publishing project.